I defined some principles I intend to follow during the planning and on the trail:
- stay independent
- follow my own rhythm with hike, eat, sleep
- enjoy the solitude and but also random encounters
- get in touch with the locals and supply locally
- balance backpack weight, comfort and reach

I don’t rely on deposits or supply parcels along my track. I don’t want to replan and manage the shipping of them while hiking. This way I’m independent of external support. Consequently, I must cope with what is locally available. I can plan the stages, select the trail as I like or the weather permits. If required, I will leave my trail and travel to a larger town where I can restock food or equipment.
I have been asked many times whether my wife or family will join me for a certain period. We came to the conclusion that the coordination to meet at a certain date and location would be too complicated. Differences in physical performance can be handled for some time, but could also become a source of stress and conflicts because I might have the feeling of falling behind schedule, even if it is not really the case. And last but not least we thought it easier to cope with the family separation if there is only one good-bye.